Rainwater toiletsUsing rainwater to flush toilets and involving residents in developing sustainable rainwater deltas were two solutions that earned TU Delft student, Anke Poelstra, first prize in the New Generation Competition, sponsored by the Henry Hudson 400 Foundation.
The competition called on students to propose innovative solutions to urban water problems. Poelstra stressed that developing sustainable rainwater deltas would be impossible without the involvement of local residents: “Many people are unaware of the urban water cycle and the challenges it presents. A simple system that collects rainwater from roofs and links it to toilets, together with active input from governments and water managers, could raise people’s awareness of the water cycle and how they can impact it. The benefits would be immediate, as we would need to purify less water centrally and the run-off from rain showers would be slowed.” The five-member jury praised the originality and viability of Poelstra’s proposal.
,Energy club
On September 9th (sustainability day), the Energy Club will officially open its doors. To mark this occasion, the club is hosting an event at Lijm & Cultuur, to which all those interested are invited to attend. The event starts at 15:30 and will feature various guest speakers, including Ivo Opstelten and Jacob Fokkema. The day program will be followed by a Sustainable Dance Floor party starting at 21:00. The Energy Club is a new student-led organization focusing on energy issues. Many students, professors, companies and other parties are interested in this new initiative, and the club’s goal is to combine all stakeholders in one large network, thus connecting people who are interested and engaged in energy-related issues. The Energy Club will organize projects, activities, symposia and more, while also offering support to people who want to start their own projects by providing knowledge and networking opportunities. Interested in attending this event? Register at the website.
Four special guest speakers have been invited to deliver lunchtime lectures on four Fridays in September at the TU Delft’s Botanical Garden. Each lecture will take an aspect of evolution as its theme. The open air lectures – part of the Darwin exhibition in the garden – will be held on September 4, 11, 18 and 25, from 12:45 to 13:45. The lectures will discuss topics that include: Darwin in his and our time; the evolution of design; evolution and language; and the origin of living matter.
,Influenza website
TU Delft remains concerned about the current swine flu pandemic (New Influenza A (H1N1), commonly known in the Netherlands as Mexican flu) and continues to follow developments closely. Although at this time the university is not considering any drastic measures, such as cancelling major events, it is prepared for any possible eventualities. TU Delft launched a website to keep all staff and students informed about the flu.
,North Sea cycling
This summer Delta editor Jos Wassink and photographer Koos Termorshuizen cycled around the North Sea, investigating the various sustainable energy projects underway in countries bordering the North Sea, including Germany, Denmark, Norway, Scotland, England, France, Belgium and the Netherlands. During their trip, which covered 6,000 kilometres in three months, they visited offshore windparks, C02 sequestration projects, coastal defences and fishery projects, meeting and interviewing marine biologists, fish farmers, wind turbine constructors and energy pioneers. To learn more about their trip and discoveries visit the website.
,Help wanted
Freelance jobs available writing for Delta’s English Pages. We seek foreign students/staff to write articles in English, for payment, on a freelance basis. No experience necessary. We’re looking for enthusiastic, creative foreign students/staff to contribute articles, cartoons, illustrations and photographs. Interested, please send a brief introductory email to: d.mcmullin@tudelft.nl
De Wintersportweek is niet alleen voor doorgewinterde wintersporters. Faculty Films toont op dinsdagavond de halfuur durende film ‘Shrek The Halls’. Om in ijzige sferen te blijven is er ook een documentaire over keizerpinguïns op Antarctica te zien. Onder leiding van schaatsvereniging Effe Lekker Schaatsen kunnen bezoekers diezelfde avond over het ijs glijden op de Beestenmarkt. De sportkaart geeft de rest van de week korting op de schaatsbaan.
Maar hoe pak je dat nu precies aan, zo’n sneeuwvakantie als wintersportgroentje? De workshops en lezingen op woensdagavond bieden duidelijkheid. De lezing ‘Snow Safety’ bijvoorbeeld, beantwoordt alle vragen over lawines. Verder is er aandacht voor technische innovaties in de wintersport, van onder anderen olympisch schaatser en TU-promovendus Marnix ten Kortenaar. Hij vertelt over aërodynamische plakstrips op schaatsen.
IJshockey hoort ook in het programma. Het sportcentrum probeert een stuk ijs te regelen, zodat bezoekers de hele avond kunnen oefenen met ijshockeyvereniging Firebirds.
De wintersport al geboekt? Tijdens de Wintersportweek kunnen bezoekers hun materiaal vast laten waxen en de bindingen van hun ski’s of snowboard laten stellen.
Linea recta naar de apres-ski kan natuurlijk ook. Na de lezingen en workshops is er een afterparty in het sportcafé. De sneeuw op de ruiten en de ijspegels aan het plafond van het sportcentrum moeten voor een wintersportsfeertje zorgen. Skihutten, ski’s en snowboards maken het af. Ook het eten in het sportcafé moet eraan geloven: van maandag tot en met vrijdag staat sauerkraut op het menu.
Rainwater toilets
Using rainwater to flush toilets and involving residents in developing sustainable rainwater deltas were two solutions that earned TU Delft student, Anke Poelstra, first prize in the New Generation Competition, sponsored by the Henry Hudson 400 Foundation. The competition called on students to propose innovative solutions to urban water problems. Poelstra stressed that developing sustainable rainwater deltas would be impossible without the involvement of local residents: “Many people are unaware of the urban water cycle and the challenges it presents. A simple system that collects rainwater from roofs and links it to toilets, together with active input from governments and water managers, could raise people’s awareness of the water cycle and how they can impact it. The benefits would be immediate, as we would need to purify less water centrally and the run-off from rain showers would be slowed.” The five-member jury praised the originality and viability of Poelstra’s proposal.
Energy club
On September 9th (sustainability day), the Energy Club will officially open its doors. To mark this occasion, the club is hosting an event at Lijm & Cultuur, to which all those interested are invited to attend. The event starts at 15:30 and will feature various guest speakers, including Ivo Opstelten and Jacob Fokkema. The day program will be followed by a Sustainable Dance Floor party starting at 21:00. The Energy Club is a new student-led organization focusing on energy issues. Many students, professors, companies and other parties are interested in this new initiative, and the club’s goal is to combine all stakeholders in one large network, thus connecting people who are interested and engaged in energy-related issues. The Energy Club will organize projects, activities, symposia and more, while also offering support to people who want to start their own projects by providing knowledge and networking opportunities. Interested in attending this event? Register at the website.
Four special guest speakers have been invited to deliver lunchtime lectures on four Fridays in September at the TU Delft’s Botanical Garden. Each lecture will take an aspect of evolution as its theme. The open air lectures – part of the Darwin exhibition in the garden – will be held on September 4, 11, 18 and 25, from 12:45 to 13:45. The lectures will discuss topics that include: Darwin in his and our time; the evolution of design; evolution and language; and the origin of living matter.
Influenza website
TU Delft remains concerned about the current swine flu pandemic (New Influenza A (H1N1), commonly known in the Netherlands as Mexican flu) and continues to follow developments closely. Although at this time the university is not considering any drastic measures, such as cancelling major events, it is prepared for any possible eventualities. TU Delft launched a website to keep all staff and students informed about the flu.
North Sea cycling
This summer Delta editor Jos Wassink and photographer Koos Termorshuizen cycled around the North Sea, investigating the various sustainable energy projects underway in countries bordering the North Sea, including Germany, Denmark, Norway, Scotland, England, France, Belgium and the Netherlands. During their trip, which covered 6,000 kilometres in three months, they visited offshore windparks, C02 sequestration projects, coastal defences and fishery projects, meeting and interviewing marine biologists, fish farmers, wind turbine constructors and energy pioneers. To learn more about their trip and discoveries visit the website.
Help wanted
Freelance jobs available writing for Delta’s English Pages. We seek foreign students/staff to write articles in English, for payment, on a freelance basis. No experience necessary. We’re looking for enthusiastic, creative foreign students/staff to contribute articles, cartoons, illustrations and photographs. Interested, please send a brief introductory email to: d.mcmullin@tudelft.nl

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