ISO The ISO (Dutch Student Network), the largest national student representative organization, is looking for board members for 2008/2009.
Would you like to spend a year away from classes? Would you like to have discussions with the Dutch Minister of Education, Ronald Plasterk, members of parliament, the board members of universities and other organizations? And do you want to improve your organizational and communicative skills? As a board member of ISO you’ll do all this and more. Apply before March 20.
Business Plan
The new course ‘Writing a Business Plan’ is now open to students and PhD students who plan to start their own businesses someday. The course guides students through the first phase of starting up new ventures, in which a well-written business plan is essential for entrepreneurial success. During the course different aspects of entrepreneurship are discussed, leading to the writing of a complete and professional business plan. Lecturers will cover various subjects and some prominent entrepreneurs will share their experiences of running their own businesses. The three-month course runs from April to June 2008. The lectures will be held on Wednesday afternoons from 13:30 to 17:30 at the YES!Delft Incubator (Rotterdamseweg 145). The lecture series ends with a Final Day, during which business plans will be presented to a jury. The best plan will win a prize of EUR 1,500. This course is worth 6 ECTS credits.
Imtech Grants
On 1 January 2008, the technical service provider Imtech and Delft University Fund launched the UfD-Imtech Fund. This fund is intended to stimulate technology education at Delft University of Technology by awarding annual Imtech Grants in the form of EUR 10,000 to students who write an eminent Bachelor’s final report. The first festive presentation of the Imtech Grants will be on 25 March 2008.
The ISO (Dutch Student Network), the largest national student representative organization, is looking for board members for 2008/2009. Would you like to spend a year away from classes? Would you like to have discussions with the Dutch Minister of Education, Ronald Plasterk, members of parliament, the board members of universities and other organizations? And do you want to improve your organizational and communicative skills? As a board member of ISO you’ll do all this and more. Apply before March 20.
Business Plan
The new course ‘Writing a Business Plan’ is now open to students and PhD students who plan to start their own businesses someday. The course guides students through the first phase of starting up new ventures, in which a well-written business plan is essential for entrepreneurial success. During the course different aspects of entrepreneurship are discussed, leading to the writing of a complete and professional business plan. Lecturers will cover various subjects and some prominent entrepreneurs will share their experiences of running their own businesses. The three-month course runs from April to June 2008. The lectures will be held on Wednesday afternoons from 13:30 to 17:30 at the YES!Delft Incubator (Rotterdamseweg 145). The lecture series ends with a Final Day, during which business plans will be presented to a jury. The best plan will win a prize of EUR 1,500. This course is worth 6 ECTS credits.
Imtech Grants
On 1 January 2008, the technical service provider Imtech and Delft University Fund launched the UfD-Imtech Fund. This fund is intended to stimulate technology education at Delft University of Technology by awarding annual Imtech Grants in the form of EUR 10,000 to students who write an eminent Bachelor’s final report. The first festive presentation of the Imtech Grants will be on 25 March 2008.

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