This week’s roundup of what’s been making news in the Netherlands begins with continuing saga of what some are calling the biggest case of academic fraud in history.
Dutch professor of social-psychology, Diederik Stapel, published 30 articles in prestigious scientific journals based on faked research data. The New York Times dubbed Stapel ‘The Lying Dutchman’, and the universities of Tilburg and Groningen are pressing charges against Stapel, who would meticulously prepare studies with collaborating junior researchers, but then insist on conducting the surveys alone. Stapel would then present his findings, but without supporting questionnaires or raw data, as he had simply made up his findings. Stapel’s now infamous sociological studies had revealed that people who eat meat are more selfish than vegetarians and that people are more likely to discriminate against minorities in environments strewn with trash. The Egyptian authorities refused to grant a visa to Dutch MP, Raymond de Roon, of the Freedom Party (PVV), because he recently acccused the Egyptian government of “ethnic cleansing” after 27 Coptic Christians were murdered. Meanwhile, Freedom Party MP, Richard De Mos, called on the government to expel Greenpeace from the Netherlands, because Greenpeace is “damaging the country’s image”. Labour Party (PvdA) politicians said the tough talk of conservative VVD policitians encourages people to take the law into their own hands, after a burglar who broke into an Amsterdam sports centre was beaten into a coma by four sports centre employees. Air France-KLM reported an operating loss of 150 million euros in the first nine months of 2011. A VVD thinktank called for the introduction of a separate currency, called the ‘neuro’, arguing that the only way to save the euro is for weak, southern economies to exit the single currency and for northern European countries to keep the euro (or ‘neuro’) for themselves. A Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB) report however warned that dismantling the euro would severely hamper prosperity in the Netherlands, as three-quarters of all Dutch exports go to other EU member countries. An annual Dutch consumer confidence survey found that only 45 percent of respondents were confident they’d still be employed next year, while just one in three said they trusted their employers. Dutch Interior Minister Piet Hein Donner wants to increase the number of available student rooms by 16,000. Cycling in the Netherlands is becoming more dangerous: 25 percent of all traffic fatalities, and 50 percent of all serious injuries, involved cyclists. The Netherlands meanwhile exported a record number of bicycles: 1,456,876 bicycles in 2010, or 22% more than in 2009. Germany imported the most Dutch bikes, followed by France and Belgium. Education Minister Maria van Bijsterveldt said she will soon require Dutch schools to teach students about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Dutch football legend and Ajax football club board member, Johan Cruyff, is accused of making racist and sexist remarks about two fellow Ajax supervisory board members, Edgar Davids and Marjan Olfers. And finally, ’Wildbreien’ (wild knitting) is the most beautiful new word for 2011, according to the Dutch Institute of Lexicology. Wild knitting, a popular fade in the Netherlands, is done by ‘wild knitters’ who gather at night to knit sweaters, scarves and cardigans for statues, trees and lampposts.
De VVD-fractie ergert zich aan de loting bij de Delftse opleidingen bouwkunde en industrieel ontwerpen. Half november maakte de TU bekend dat er voor komend collegejaar een numerus fixus geldt voor beide opleidingen.
Studenten moeten zich vóór 15 mei aanmelden voor loting. De VVD vraagt zich af of de opleidingen hun eerstejaars niet moeten selecteren, in plaats van studenten op grond van loting toe te laten.
Mee eens, antwoordde staatssecretaris Halbe Zijlstra donderdag. Hij wil de regel schrappen dat opleidingen hooguit de helft van hun opleidingsplaatsen zelf mogen verdelen en de rest van de studenten via gewogen loting moeten toelaten.
Als een opleiding relevante selectiecriteria kan gebruiken, verdient dat volgens hem de voorkeur boven loting. De wetgeving daarvoor was al goeddeels uitgewerkt door het vorige kabinet en zal alsnog naar de Tweede Kamer komen.
Overigens maakt de TU Delft momenteel nog geen gebruik van de mogelijkheid om bij gewogen loting de helft van de studenten zelf te selecteren. Iedereen moet meeloten. Over een jaar gaat de universiteit over tot decentrale selectie. Daar gaat Zijlstra niets van zeggen, want de universiteit handelt gewoon binnen de wet.
Vandaag bleek tijdens een vergadering van de studentenraad (sr) met het college van bestuur dat het invoeren van decentrale selectie flink wat voeten in de aarde zal hebben. Volgens collegelid Paul Rullmann oriënteren IO en Bouwkunde zich op de manier waarop ze decentraal kunnen selecteren.
Dat een van de faculteiten al komend jaar via een pilot zal selecteren, zoals de SR had vernomen, acht hij niet waarschijnlijk. Volgens Rullmann hebben de faculteiten het nu heel druk met de herijking. “En aan decentraal selecteren heb je echt je handen vol. Dat is veel werk”, zei hij.

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