Students who want to play a musical instrument while studying at Delft can join the music association, Krashna Musika. In the coming weeks, to increase its visibility on campus, Krashna will perform another two short concerts at different faculties during lunch breaks.
Lunch concert at EWI. (Photo: Nora de Vries)
The first performance was yesterday, 22 February, in the old EWI building. Here, seven students played several pieces, from Mozart to Debussy, and from Bozza to Grieg. There were five performances on piano, clarinet and cello. Most were played in pairs, except for Joël Abrahams, who played Chopin’s Étude op. 10 no. 3 solo. The concert was held in the hall next to the entrance of the faculty, where almost every one of the 56 seats was occupied. A small audience of people who only had time for a small part of the concert, even formed behind the seats.
If you missed this lunch concert, you still have two more chances.
- The second lunch concert will be held in the VvTP hall at the Faculty of Applied Sciences next Tuesday 27 February.
- The last one will be in the entrance hall of 3mE on Thursday March 1st.
- Never have time in your lunch breaks? You can also attend the Chamber Music Concert in the Culture Unit of the Sports & Culture building. This concert is free for students & staff, and starts at 19:30. If you are interested in joining Krashna, you can find their website here.

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