Are you under pressure working at TU Delft? Are you annoyed by the workplace interaction or the office conditions? Delta is interested in your opinion for a series of stories on potential improvements.
The Employee Survey 2017 reveals that six out of ten TU Delft employees experience more pressure at work than they would like. Employees also feel that there are limited opportunities to move up the career ladder. Other frequent issues raised include undesirable behaviour, such as gossiping (25%) verbal aggression (11%), bullying (8%) and discrimination (8%). More than 40% also feel that the climate in the building is unpleasant.
Contribute to resolving issues
In response to the Employee Survey, Delta is organising round-table discussions and looking for input. We are also on the look-out for people who would like to talk about these issues or know other staff who have something to say about it, whether it involves criticism or ideas and examples of good practice. We will base a series of articles on these discussions in the hope that they will contribute to resolving issues.
We will start with the theme of pressure of work, followed by other themes on such areas as employee interaction, career opportunities, climate conditions and obtaining a doctorate at TU Delft. Suggestions for other themes are welcome!
Email your responses to or contact the acting editor-in-chief Saskia Bonger on 06-28557446 (@sbonger) or editor Connie van Uffelen on 06-28557470 (@ConnievanU).

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