Keeping at least an online eye on the news events happening back in our home countries is something most of us foreign students do from time to time.
So you might image that I was quite shocked last week as I was doing the same: The man on the ground holding the water bottle is my father. He was the first journalist to be arrested last week in Karachi when the police detained around 200 journalists protesting against the imposition of emergency rule and closure of media channels back home in Pakistan. There’s an instructive couplet in my beautiful language Urdu which goes: ‘Only the princely riders fall off in the battle town/How can the child that crawls ever fall down?’ Ever since I can remember, my father through his ardent activism has time and again given ample evidence of his ‘princely’ traits. As for me, for now I’m just rather happy being here in the Netherlands, working on becoming a PhD rather than a prince!
(Caption: Rameez Rahman, PhD in computer science, from Pakistan / Photo: no credit)
Keeping at least an online eye on the news events happening back in our home countries is something most of us foreign students do from time to time. So you might image that I was quite shocked last week as I was doing the same: The man on the ground holding the water bottle is my father. He was the first journalist to be arrested last week in Karachi when the police detained around 200 journalists protesting against the imposition of emergency rule and closure of media channels back home in Pakistan. There’s an instructive couplet in my beautiful language Urdu which goes: ‘Only the princely riders fall off in the battle town/How can the child that crawls ever fall down?’ Ever since I can remember, my father through his ardent activism has time and again given ample evidence of his ‘princely’ traits. As for me, for now I’m just rather happy being here in the Netherlands, working on becoming a PhD rather than a prince!
(Caption: Rameez Rahman, PhD in computer science, from Pakistan / Photo: no credit)

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