

There are several things about dating a girl that might drive a guy close to the point of desperation. Classical examples include meeting the parents for the first time, being introduced to her close friends with their judging eyes piercing right through you, or explaining why your ex left a note on your wall saying she still loves you.

However, this all peanuts compared to the d-day that is marked with a red flag in every guy’s agenda: her birthday.

The first waves of nervousness start about a month before: what the heck should I buy her? But the comforting

thought of knowing that you have four weeks left eases the pain a little. I will find something… right? Two weeks later, unfortunately you still did not have the eureka moment you are craving for so badly. But who can blame the guy? Finding the right gift is close to impossible. Every gift you buy comes along with a certain message. Flowers, chocolates and jewellery say for instance: “he does not care to buy me a personal gift, does he still love me”? Then there is the category of honest mistakes. If you buy her lingerie with a too big cup size or the panties do not fit, this is most likely being translated in: ”Aaahh, so he thinks my boobs are too small and my ass is too big.” The category of gifts consisting of a massage, home cooked dinner and romantic night walk underneath the stars causes a reaction like: “what a cheap dude, with how many girls did he do this before?” And then there is a final, but most dangerous category. Things like a weekend to Paris, or a key to your apartment could result in: “Stop, this is going too fast, does he think we are getting married or so”?

Luckily enough it often turns out in the end that torturing yourself was not necessary at all. You walking into her room in the morning bringing her breakfast in bed with a smile on your face, turns every gift into a winner.

Een jaar na het succesnummer Star Walk bracht Vito Technology een tweede astronomie-app op de markt: Solar Walk. Je kunt die het best vergelijken met een driedimensionaal interactief planetarium. Het bevat de zon en de acht planeten (Pluto is afgevoerd) waarvan de posities veranderen met de tijd. Door met je vinger over het scherm te vegen kun je het zonnestelsel draaien en met twee vingers zoom je in en kun je informatiebladen raadplegen met wetenswaardigheden over de planeten. 

Leuk: *****
Handig: *****
Bediening: *****
Prijs: € 2,39
Platform: iPhone, iPod touch

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