

“Li Bai is a poet who lived during Tang Dynasty in the 8th century AD. I love his poems. Longing for a free and easy life, Li made his home wherever he was.

Sometimes I feel I have been pursuing a similar life attitude since I left my hometown at age 16 to go to the university, which was located 2000 kilometres away. I also love the painting ‘Li Bai strolling and chanting a poem’, painted by Liang Kai during the 13th century AD (Southern Song Dynasty). With the fewest lines, Liang captured the soul of Li Bai.
I hope all my readers have fun when they see the nano-copy I made of this painting. We already have too much to be serious about. For this image I used ion-beam-induced deposition (ibid) technology. I entered a data file of the painting in the machine. I didn’t actually paint the copy myself. It’s has only been possible since quite recently to make such high resolution images with ibid-machines.”

Ping Chen, ‘Three-dimensional nanostructures fabricated by ion-beam-induced deposition’. Thesis defense: 6 October 2010, Professor Huub Salemink (Applied Sciences).

There is a great need for a creative incubator, said Bart Bikkers, a Stip city council member: “YES!Delft has proven to be huge success for techno-starters, creating more than 1,000 jobs. A YES!Delft study has now shown that there’s also a need for a similar incubator for creative start-up companies.” Graduates of TU Delft‘s faculties of Architecture and Industrial Design Engineering would especially benefit from such an incubator.
Thanks to the city’s 100,000 euro in funding, steps will now be taken to set up this creative ‘sister’ of YES!Delft, Bikkers confirms: “YES!Delft is now making a business case, from which a solid plan for setting up the creative incubator will be drafted. The incubator could fall under the banner of “YES!Delft, but it doesn’t have to.” Once this plan is formalised, the roles of TU Delft, various faculties and their graduates will be determined.

The city council also voted last week to invest in the Schie Halls, situated in the Schie River Bank area. “These buildings have been vacant for years now, yet there’s a huge demand for affordable and temporary spaces where TU Delft students and others can work on projects”, Bikkers says. This demand is partly owing to the fact that many projects now being pursued at YES!Delft on the Rotterdamseweg will have to relocate. This includes rooms currently used by Stylos, the faculty of Architecture’s study association.
These project groups must relocate because YES!Delft is moving to the Bandridge building in Science Park Technopolis, which is currently under development. Last week this building was officially purchased, and YES!Delft expects to move in around June 2010.
Bikkers says that an added benefit of this investment plan is that all the new activity in and around the Schie Halls could reinvigorate the old and somewhat dilapidated Schie River Bank area: “It would then also become an interesting area for redevelopment.”

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