Poetic impression by Bauke Steenhuisen of the dissertation ‘Reducing the genetic complexity of glycolysis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae’ by Daniel Solis Escalante, defended on March the 16th 2015 in Delft.
When I was a child, our family used to go on holidays to a city called Gantiadi. Straddling a South-Eastern stretch of the Black Sea coast, it was a sunny city, a crown jewel of Georgia’s touristic destinations.
Nederland scoort opnieuw goed bij de Europese onderzoeksraad ERC. Maar liefst 32 van de 372 wetenschapsbeurzen voor ervaren onderzoekers worden bij Nederlandse universiteiten besteed. Onder de 32 zijn vier Delftenaren.
Any atrocity is possible as long as it’s happening to somebody else.
Several years ago I visited Auchwitz-Birkenau, the notorious Nazi concentration camp where over one million people were killed during WWII.
Verdichting door Jan Beuving van de dissertatie ‘Wenken voor een veranderbare stad: Een studie naar veranderingspatronen van Amsterdamse buurten en bouwblokken.’ (Flora Nycolaas), te verdedigen op 20 maart 2015.
Nothing phases me anymore the way it used to. On the backdrop of a war in my country, happening to people that I know, things that happen on a daily basis that used to stress me out, now seem so small.
Poetic impression by Bauke Steenhuisen of the dissertation ‘Electrodynamics of strongly disordered superconductors’ by P.C.J.J. Coumou, defended on February the 6th 2015 in Delft.
This Strong Story is a translated excerpt from a blog post by Alexandra Magurova, an activist and volunteer helping refugees from the East of Ukraine, about refugees that fled the city of Vuglegirsk on February 4th from the bombings of the advancing Russian army and rebels.