Master’s student Vishal Onkhar has some tips for international students trying to learn Dutch using the ‘Delftse methode’. “Focus a little on improving your English.”
Master’s student Pooja Ramakrishnan reviewed a creepy podcast you might want to listen to. “If Stephen King delighted you as a young adult, add this to your binge list.”
Fietsonderzoeker Arend Schwab denkt dat het juist is dat de Stint de openbare weg niet meer op mag. “Met name omdat in geval van nood de bestuurder niet goed kan ingrijpen.”
The master students of IRPdelft went to Rio for a break. This Friday they present their experiences of working abroad at their closing event.
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Plechtig vierden de universiteiten de opening van het academisch jaar, maar lang niet iedereen was in feeststemming. Studenten en wetenschappers uit het hele land uitten hun onvrede over de teruglopende overheidsfinanciering.
The Netherlands is a beautiful country and there are many things to be aware of before studying there. Masters student Nikhilesh Tumuluru Ramesh wrote this article to help his