Op 20 maart mogen we stemmen op de mensen die ons vertegenwoordigen binnen de provincie. Delta sprak vijf TU’ers die op de kieslijst staan. Deel 2: student Giel Wind (CDA).
Op 20 maart mogen we stemmen op de mensen die ons vertegenwoordigen binnen de provincie. Delta sprak vijf TU’ers die op de kieslijst staan. Deel 1: Marcel Ludema (VVD).
Today, 8 March, is International Women’s Day. Pooja Ramakrishnan shares this all-women podcast on feminism, which has changed the way she views the world.
Master student Pooja Ramakrishnan reviews a series that selects and re-publishes American scientific essays from the last year.
For the first time in its history, the Delft Solar Boat team will take on the challenge of crossing the oceans with its seaworthy solar boat. Read their first blogpost.
During their minor in Responsible Innovation, students considered how drones could be deployed in shopping malls to monitor the structure and to protect shoppers.
The Moth Radio Hour podcast tells stories that aren’t prominent enough to make it to the headlines, yet, are enough to make heads turn.
Genetic editing has been in the news following the revelation of the world’s first genetically modified babies. Yet CRISPR offers great potential in the fight against disease.
Willem Evers is an exchange student at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He shares his experiences to encourage people to study abroad and broaden their horizon.