
The bike of…

Name: Ron Noomen (assistant professor AE)
Brand: Koga Miyata-Adventure
Price: 2400 Guilders
Striking feature: Very versatile and robust

“When I got this bike in 1998, it was the Mercedes of bikes.

Koga Miyata is a Dutch brand, the Adventure model a hybrid: good for both speed and durability. Since getting it, I’ve done quite a lot of cross-country cycling. I’m a cyclist who enjoys being on a bike, looking around, meeting people, rather than focusing on speed or performance. In the nice weather season, from mid-April till October, I ride my bike once a week to university from my home town of Alphen aan den Rijn. It takes me around 1.5 hours to cover the 37-km trip.

I’ve gone on quite a few cross-country trips on this bike, cycling all around the Netherlands, through Germany, Scotland, Iceland…. One of the physically most challenging cycling trips was in Cuba, due to the intense heat. Another was cycling a dirt road along one of those huge glaciers in Iceland. My bike fell over several times due to the intense wind and that fractured the frame. I expected my cycling adventure to be over, but was pleasantly surprised by the local hospitality: the bus driver who picked me up went out of his – and his passengers’ way – to take me to a repair shop to get it fixed.

During the cross-country trips, I like to pack a tent and camp out. Once I was at a camping ground in Norway and heard some teenagers returning home from a party. They spotted my unlocked bike and decided to take it for a joy-ride. I found it abandoned under a tree some 100 meters from my tent.

Cross-country cycling is fantastic; I’d recommend it to everyone. If there’s one thing I learned from these trips, it’s to not be upset if something goes wrong: parts may break, weather may spoil, but it’s no use panicking. There’s no problem that cannot be solved.”

Het trio (17 en 18 jaar) beroofde rond 9.30 uur een wijnhandel in de Frederik Hendrikstraat. Daarbij werd de eigenaar mishandeld. Na de gewelddadige overval gingen de drie er op twee scooters vandoor.

Direct na de melding startte de politie een zogenaamde Burgernetactie. Daarbij verspreidt de politie gegevens van een incident of misdrijf via een telefonisch netwerk van inwoners en medewerkers van bedrijven uit de gemeente.


Die actie had succes. Aan de hand van het signalement van de daders – mannen in donkere kleding met zwarte helmen op zwarte scooters – meldden deelnemers aan Burgernet dat de drie op de Simonsstraat in de richting van de Julianalaan reden.

Na een tweede Burgernetbericht kreeg de politie een melding dat de drie zich in de bibliotheek aan het Prometheusplein bevonden. Eén van hen werd aangehouden toen hij naar buiten kwam. De andere twee werden in de bibliotheek aangehouden. De Delftenaren zitten nog vast voor verhoor.

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