Minor certificateWilfred Visser, an Applied Earth Sciences student, will receive the first ‘minor certificate’ form TU Delft on May 16.
Visser supplemented his Bachelor’s degree program with a combination of courses he followed at the TPM Faculty. For this, he received 30 ECTS credits and the first minor certificate from TU Delft. Many of the TU’s faculties have yet to begin offering ‘minor phases’ of their degree programs. But since 2005, TPM has offered students the opportunity to follow courses that lead to the awarding of a minor certificate.
Innovation society
At China’s 2006 National Science & Technology Conference, President Hu Jintao pledged to make 21st century China “an innovation-oriented society”. The conference unveiled a 15-year Medium to Long Term Science & Technology Development Plan (2006-2020), establishing national research priorities and the resources for achieving them. China’s expenditures on R&D will rise from the current 1.3% of gross domestic product to 2.5% by the end of 2020. The plan stresses ‘indigenous innovation’ and ‘leapfrogging; in research. Science and technology are expected to lead and support China’s future economic growth.
Honors track
Dutch Undersecretary of Education, Mark Rutte, says it’s clear that the experimental top degree programs in higher education lead to stronger positions on the labor market. TU Delft is now also experimenting with ‘honors tracks’ for highly motivated, talented students, in fields like critical reflection on technology. Various universities have reported that ‘honors track’ programs offer added value to their educational programs. Rutte says this program makes it possible to quickly decide if a top degree program deserves a place in the new regulation for higher education.
Minor certificate
Wilfred Visser, an Applied Earth Sciences student, will receive the first ‘minor certificate’ form TU Delft on May 16. Visser supplemented his Bachelor’s degree program with a combination of courses he followed at the TPM Faculty. For this, he received 30 ECTS credits and the first minor certificate from TU Delft. Many of the TU’s faculties have yet to begin offering ‘minor phases’ of their degree programs. But since 2005, TPM has offered students the opportunity to follow courses that lead to the awarding of a minor certificate.
Innovation society
At China’s 2006 National Science & Technology Conference, President Hu Jintao pledged to make 21st century China “an innovation-oriented society”. The conference unveiled a 15-year Medium to Long Term Science & Technology Development Plan (2006-2020), establishing national research priorities and the resources for achieving them. China’s expenditures on R&D will rise from the current 1.3% of gross domestic product to 2.5% by the end of 2020. The plan stresses ‘indigenous innovation’ and ‘leapfrogging; in research. Science and technology are expected to lead and support China’s future economic growth.
Honors track
Dutch Undersecretary of Education, Mark Rutte, says it’s clear that the experimental top degree programs in higher education lead to stronger positions on the labor market. TU Delft is now also experimenting with ‘honors tracks’ for highly motivated, talented students, in fields like critical reflection on technology. Various universities have reported that ‘honors track’ programs offer added value to their educational programs. Rutte says this program makes it possible to quickly decide if a top degree program deserves a place in the new regulation for higher education.

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