With remarkably little ceremony, drilling for TU Delft’s geothermal heat project started on Monday, 12 December 2022. The first hot water is expected in a year and a half.
Dream team Epoch reaches top ten Terug naar Nederlands Dream Team Epoch has achieved ninth place in the CityLearn Challenge 2022, an artificial intelligence (AI) competition. The students developed a new AI algorithm for smarter energy systems, competing against 110 other teams from around the world. …
‘Wake-up call’ for Andy van den Dobbelsteen On LinkedIn, TU Delft sustainability coordinator prof.dr.ir. Andy van den Dobbelsteen this week shared a four-page letter from an anonymous sender: ‘Today I found fan mail from a supporter of the ‘real professor’ Guus Berkhout (who denies anthropogenic climate change). Very brave to send this kind…
Electrolysis research at 3mE took second place in ‘KIJK’ magazine’s best tech ideas. The research is important in producing green hydrogen.
The TPM Faculty is celebrating its 30th anniversary. Dean Aukje Hassoldt believes her Faculty should be more self-confident. “We are a bit too shy.”
The Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management celebrates its 30th anniversary. It began with a need for engineers who could look beyond their field. Did they get there?
Invite an artist to your dorm This is how cosy it can get. (Photo: Maarten J. Eykman) After two austere years, on 5 February 2023 in 22 municipalities it is finally time for another winter edition of the living room festival ‘Gluren bij de Buren’. The home theatre festival is experiencing…
In biotechnology, safety regulations are much stricter than in chemistry, Britte Bouchaut noted as a PhD student and that stands in the way of becoming sustainable.
The boost to the otherwise unambitious COP27 climate summit was the establishment of a climate fund for poor countries. Is this justice, Delta asks Climate Ethicist Taebi.
Awards tsunami in Haarlem The Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (Royal Holland Society of Sciences) will be unpacking big-time on Monday 28 November: 23 thesis awards, 64 prizes for first-year students and the KHMW Outreach Award 2022. The Society has existed since 1752 and aims to promote science and bridge the gap between science…