
Annebelle de Bruijn


Dutch only  De komende tijd is wekelijks een podcast te beluisteren over kennisveiligheid op Nederlandse universiteiten. “Samenvattend is de grote vraag: mag je discrimineren als de kennisveiligheid op het spel staat?”, zegt wetenschapsjournalist en radiomaker Saar Slegers die de podcast maakte. Voormalig Delta-redacteur Slegers spreekt in de podcast met Nederlandse en buitenlandse…

Delft residents: ‘TU did not hear us on growth plans’     Nine Delft residents’ and neighbourhood associations sent a letter this month expressing their concerns about TU Delft’s multicampus strategy. Among other things, they write that TU Delft has not asked the residents’ associations for their views on the growth plans.   In the…

Former Rotterdam rector receives prison sentence      The former rector of the former Islamic High School Europe has been sentenced to 28 months in prison. He sold thousands of forged receipts of donations, with which donors could claim tax deductions.   The fraud at the non-funded Rotterdam college came to light in 2016. The…

Expulsion of medical student was justified     A medical student at Erasmus University Rotterdam was rightly expelled from the study programme when she proved unsuitable for the profession during her internships. This is stated in a ruling by the Council of State.   The student started studying medicine in 2007 and obtained her bachelor’s…

Letters from TU student in the resistance     A new Dutch book about former TU student Piet Groenewege will be published on 1 May. He was in the resistance during World War II and was executed at the age of 22.   The book ‘Boerenzoon in het Resistance’ focuses on letters that Groenewege wrote…

Taking teacher course becomes easier     At the last minute, the government has improved a bill that would allow wo students to quickly become teachers after their bachelor’s degree. The amendment is also good news for pre-master’s students.   The educational module is a six-month teaching programme that allows you to become a teacher…