
Annebelle de Bruijn

128 thousand students will receive a supplementary grant or a higher supplementary grant amount for the first time starting Wednesday. This is because the income limit of their parents has been raised as of January 1, 2024, reports study financer DUO. Students will now receive the supplementary grant if their parents' income is less than

‘Study debt carpet’ sold to art dealer     A recent graduate has sold his graduation project to art dealers for the exact amount of his student debt. The five-meter-wide tapestry criticizes the loan system and symbolizes the stress it has caused students.   The huge tapestry created by 31-year-old Mart Veldhuis is called “Own…

Postdocs skeptical about ‘recognise and reward’     PhD students and university lecturers see something in the new ‘recognize and value’, but postdocs and professors expect little from it. This is evident from a poll by news platform ScienceGuide.   Researchers at universities used to be judged mainly on their publications: how many are there,…