The monthly meeting between the Executive Board and the representation bodies, that is planned for Thursday the 28th, will be held largely behind closed doors. Only the last half hour of the two hour long meeting will be made public.
In an email to staff about the suspended court case, the Executive Board writes that socially threatening behaviour is not acceptable and should not be downplayed. Yet, in a response to the draft report of the Inspectorate of Education, the administrators cast doubts on the experiences of those reporting incidents, an analysis by Delta shows.
Despite repeated requests for support, the outgoing Minister of Education is still refusing international PhD candidates with scholarships a helping hand. Unjustly, believe PhDs with scholarships at TU Delft and PNN, the national advocacy body. “PhD candidates with scholarships add great value to the Netherlands.”
TU Delft is ‘determined’ to bring the Inspectorate of Education to court for its ‘defective investigation’. The Inspectorate is confident that its report will survive this test. In the meantime, the outgoing Minister of Education Dijkgraaf has informed the House of Representatives of his plan of action.
TU Delft accidentally put confidential information online while defending itself against the Inspectorate of Education’s report. Passages that had been blacked out were still legible. These passages suggest that TU Delft is mostly fearful about damage to the reputation of its administrators.
The students who live on the Van Hasseltlaan are dissatisfied about the way things are going in regard to students housing provider Duwo’s construction plans. Their biggest headaches? Poor communications and the long construction time. “Duwo is not taking us seriously.”
The people living around the Van Hasseltlaan feel wronged by student housing provider Duwo’s building and renovation plans. “I am having sleepless nights because of it,” says one of them.
Assistant Professor Alessandro Bombelli (Aerospace Engineering) is TU Delft’s Teacher of the Year. Delta asked him for exam tips. “Concentrate on the material rather than on the exam.”