
Third China symposium

Third China symposium



On Thursday, April 7, a third internal symposium on academic cooperation with China will take place at TU Delft. The theme of the symposium is ‘Collaborating with China: Different Perspectives.’



Three speakers will talk about their experience with working in China or with Chinese academics. Martijn de Geus is a TU Delft alumnus and did his PhD at Qinghua University in China. He shares his experiences with working for that same university. The second speaker – Bert Hofman of the National University of Singapore – has been dealing with China professionally for 30 years and speaks from an economic perspective. Linda Krom of TNO talks about knowledge security at het institute.



“We hope the program will give a new boost to thinking about knowledge security at TU Delft and will provide new perspectives on working with China,” says China policy advisor Peter Gill, who is co-organizing the symposium. In addition to the three speakers, Gill, rector magnificus Tim van der Hagen and program director for knowledge safety Peter Weijland will speak. Weijland will discuss the most recent developments in knowledge security at TU Delft. Gill will give an update on the manual ‘Partnering with China – Concrete Tools for TU Delft’, which employees can use to test their collaborations with Chinese scientists or knowledge institutions. (AdB)  



  • The symposium is open to all TU employees. Registration is possible until Tuesday, April 5 via this link.



News editor Annebelle de Bruijn

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