Delft drops in student room city ranking

Delft is number 11 on the Dutch Student Union (LSVb) ranking of student room cities. That is down four places from a year earlier. According to the student union, Delft has dropped mainly due to the relatively large price increases for student rooms in Delft. According to the LSVb, the average rent was 504.49 euros, 9.32 percent more than in 2022.

In addition, the union also notes that Delft is still one of the most affordable student cities on the list. Students would need 990 euros per month to make ends meet. By comparison, in Amsterdam it was 1255 euros. By the way, Amsterdam does not turn out to have the highest rents, those are The Hague and Rotterdam with an average of 614 and 618 euros per month.

‘Delft is unique’

The amounts students spend each month are not the only factor the LSVb looked at. The housing policies of municipalities, the tightness on the student room market and the type of rooms for rent (non-self-contained versus studios) are also weighed, for example. All in all, that makes Enschede the best student room city of 2023 according to the LSVb and Eindhoven the least.

According to the LSVb, Delft is unique in the Netherlands in having relatively many student rooms on campus. This would be an advantage in several ways, for example, students would spend less money on transportation to and from university. The proportion of studios and apartments on the Delft housing market is relatively low, the union writes, 25 and 11 percent of the total number of rooms, respectively.

Still, the municipality of Delft has work to do, the union says. The city needs to do something about the tightness. That did not happen in 2023. No student rooms were added, according to the LVSb, while 750 new rooms are said to be needed annually. The Delft housing vision does include the plan to add 3,500 new rooms by 2030, writes the LSVb. It expresses the hope that it will succeed in achieving at least that.

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