
Saskia Bonger


During a doctorate award ceremony, some people wear a headscarf, a yarmulke or another symbol of their faith. Why should someone not be awarded a doctoral degree in a pirate suit, TU PhD student Michael Afanasyev wants to know.

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De redactieraad van Delta en Delft Integraal/Delft Outlook zoekt nieuwe leden. Studenten en medewerkers kunnen zich melden. Delta is het journalistieke online platform en Delft Integraal het alumni-magazine van de universiteit. Ze worden gemaakt door dezelfde redactie.

Housing, language, making Dutch friends, getting to know your way around Delft, loneliness. Studying at TU Delft is so much more than just attending classes and spending hours on end in the library. Delta helps to address problems that international students sometimes deal with and help solve them.