Done! After nine weeks of observing, analysing, calculating and creative thinking, it is over. Last Friday we finished our project with the final presentation at the Thuy Loi University.
Therefore, a massive scale reduction from kilometers to millimeters took place to find out.
Despite the fact that existing data was limited, it is amazing how much you can achieve with knowledge and observation. We learned a lot from each other. We combined our specialisms about coastal processes, hydraulic structures, river influences and integral design to conduct our research. After years of learning from books, lectures and semi-theoretical assignments, it was a very useful experience to deal with a civil engineering problem in the real world.
During the presentation, attended by our supervisors, some Vietnamese students we have shared the project room with and others that were interested, we showed results we are proud of. Furthermore, a few days before we left we were invited to the Dutch Embassy to talk about our findings. They were interested in Hoi An and curious on how we can use the Dutch centuries of experience with protection against water to help here.
After sending our final report to the Embassy, to the resort managers we have interviewed and the local college in Hoi An, we were hoping that we contributed to giving new insights into the coastal erosion problems and how to solve them. Because after spending several weeks in Hoi An, talking to the friendly inhabitants as much as possible, we really wish them all the best for the future!

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