Poetic impression by Bauke Steenhuisen of the dissertation ‘A critical perspective on microarray breast cancer gene expression profiling’ by Herman Sontrop.
Innovations at the time of their
Inception tend to blind us with desire;
Drawn to all the things we can acquire,
Dissonance dissolves into thin air.
We thought we caught the cancer DNA
With Watson’s project, previous century
By pairing bases complementary
Connecting C with G and T with A.
Yet while this trick made us plain lyrical
We clean forgot its instabilities
In measuring – how hypocritical!
Our data shined in small varieties.
We tried to make them look statistical
But cancer profiling remains Chinese.
Bauke Steenhuisen (universiteit docent bij de faculteit TBM) en Jeroen Manders (zanger, acteur, tekstschrijver, componist en voormalig IO student) verdichtten tussen december 2014 en maart 2017 42 keer een Delftse afstudeerscriptie of proefschrift tot een sonnet. Illustraties waren van Ella Nitters.
Poetic Engineering / Poetic Engineering
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