
What’s cooking – Korean ‘Bibimbap’

For those who love rice dishes, you definitely shouldn’t miss ‘Bibimbap’ -a signature Korean dish. ‘Bibimbap’, which literary means ‘mixed meal’ in Korean, used to be a royal court dish of the Joseon Dynasty.

It was also one of the tributes for the Chinese Emperor because of its rare ingredients.

Served with steamed white rice and topped with a variety of seasoned vegetables (mushrooms, spinach, fern stems, and sprouts), red chili pepper sauce, raw egg, and sliced meat (chicken, seafood, or beef), the bundle of colors in ‘Bibimbap’ creates a nice visual touch to the eyes. To enjoy ‘Bibimbap’ properly, you have to mix all the ingredients together thoroughly.

“The dish is special because it captures traditional Korean food culture in a single bowl. The simple naked arrangement and layers of its basic ingredients creates a sense of curiosity,” says Vitto from South Korea.

A famous variation of this dish, called ‘dolsot bibimbap’, is served in a very hot stone bowl coated with sesame oil. When the rice touches the bowl with a sizzling sound, a crispy, golden brown layer is formed. And, it’s not just an ordinary layer of crispy rice but rather a symbol of love. It is a Korean tradition that when a couple eats ‘Bibimbap’ together, the man has to help his girlfriend stir the ingredients. If his girlfriend can’t finish the dish, the man has to eat the remaining food to represent the love of his girlfriend.

In Korean households, ‘Bibimbab’ is frequently prepared from steamed rice, vegetables, and meat in very simple ways. “Basically, you can mix just about

everything,” says Kay, also from South Korea. “The ‘mixing-together’ concept actually represents the concept of the Korean society.”

Kay recalls her childhood years when her dad used to make ‘Bibimbab’ for her and her brother. “He would dig out all the dishes in the refrigerator and then mixed them together with rice in a single, large pot,’ she says. “The only thing we needed was three spoons! It was not just a ‘Bibimbab’, it is a memory of the wonderful with my family, which I can never forget.”

For those who’d like to mix your own ‘Bibimbap’ and perhaps share it with your girl (or boy) friend, just follow the simple step-by-step instructions below. And remember to mix thoroughly before you eat!

Korean ‘Bibimbap’


  • 2 portions of steamed rice

  • Meat (beef, chicken, pork, or seafood) 60g

  • Some mushrooms

  • 1/2 Cucumber

  • 1/3 Carrot

  • Some bean sprouts

  • Some lettuce

  • Some kimchi

  • 2 eggs


  • Korean hot pepper sauce 2 tsp

  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce

  • Garlic 1/4 tsp

  • Sugar 1/2 tsp

  • White sesame seeds 1/4 tsp

  • Sesame oil 1 tsp


1. Chop the meat into slices, shred the mushrooms, cucumber, carrot, and pluck the roots of the bean sprouts. Fry everything with oil and add a little bit of sesame oil.

2. Put some sesame oil in the stone pot (can also be casserole or ceramic pot) to prevent the rice from getting stuck on the pot. Put the steamed rice in the pot, and then put in all the ingredients from step 1.

3. Add the sauce and eggs into the pot and heat it on the stove for about 3 to 5 minutes. Now it is ready to serve. Mix thoroughly before eating.

Some tips:

If there is no stone pot, a bowl is also okay, but the eggs have to be pre-cooked. You can change the ingredients of the vegetables according to personal preference.

Het college van beroep voor het hoger onderwijs deed vorige week uitspraak in twee zaken die veel met elkaar te maken hadden. De eerste was aangespannen door een scholier die meende dat Inholland hem in maart ten onrechte niet had toegelaten tot de opleiding management, economie & recht. Maar zijn diploma bleek een vervalsing, waarna de rechter weinig mededogen meer kon opbrengen en Inholland gelijk gaf.

Maar in de tweede zaak haalde Inholland bakzeil. De hogeschool had een andere student uitgeschreven die bij de fraude geholpen zou hebben: het was namelijk diens mbo-diploma waarmee het vervalste exemplaar was gemaakt. Maar dat is geen sluitend bewijs voor medeplichtigheid, vond de rechter. Het oorspronkelijke diploma kan immers ook gestolen zijn. De student hield vol dat hij niets met de vervalsing te maken had en zijn betrokkenheid kon verder niet worden bewezen.

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