In October, Brazil elected Jair Bolsonaro as its new president. What do Brazilian students and teachers at TU Delft expect for their country in the next few years?
Het security-team van de TU Delft stuurde begin augustus als test een phishingmail naar 12.000 medewerkers.
Every week, a Delta editor tests the food on campus, from the Aula to X and everything in between. We write our review with a hungry yet critical eye. Bon appetite!
The Executive Board’s proposal to raise the standard of English language proficiency for new teaching staff has been swept off the table.
Roeivereniging Proteus-Eretes heeft vijf van haar leden gehuldigd voor hun prestaties het afgelopen jaar.
Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven (Ministry of Education, Culture and Science) is considering training doctorate committees on gender bias.
The legendary Silk Route was the inspiration for industrial designer, Laurens de Rijke, to make his own watch. His Amalfi Series watch will be ready in December.
Delftse promovendi doen gemiddeld langer over hun promotietraject dan collega’s aan andere technische universiteiten.
Every week, a Delta editor tests the food on campus, from the Aula to X and everything in between. We write our review with a hungry yet critical eye. Bon appetite!