Four years ago Amr Ranneh fled from Syria. Last Thursday he graduated from Systems & Control. What is his story?
Fifteen students designed four gardens to showcase the relationship between people and nature in a world subject to climate change. All this on the TU Delft campus.
The The Zero Heroes team at TU Delft has won the Airbus Fly Your Ideas competition. The team was awarded the title of best aerospace-related innovation.
Ook zo blij dat het weer tien graden koeler is? Delta’s hittepolitie ging op de heetste dag van de week naar het warmste plekje op de campus en vroeg hoe je het er uithoudt.
Sooner or later you will deal with them: recruiters. People who matchmake job seekers and employers. How do they work? And do they help? Two recruiters give some tips.
What is it like to be an international member of a student association or sport club? The British Susannah Duncan and American Sophia Lieske look back on their first year.
Ultimate frisbee on campus? Yes! Force Elektro has hung up two boxes containing frisbees in the Mekelpark that are free for anyone to use.
More study places or more student psychologists? In the run-up to the elections on May 21 and 22, Delta spoke with Oras and Lijst Bèta about pressing issues at TU Delft.
Not one, but two female TU Delft alumni won this year’s Marina van Damme Grant. Andrea Mangel Raventos and Hanneke Stenfert were both awarded EUR 9,000 each.