This week dreamteam Nova Electric Racing presented its design for the 2019 racing season. Their goal? To win the Open Electric Superbike Competition.
Ter ere van zijn 125-jarig bestaan hoopt Het Gezelschap Practische Studie een kunstwerk te schenken aan haar faculteit. Daar is geld voor nodig, 20 duizend euro maar liefst.
Every week Delta editors test the food on campus. From the Aula to X and everything in between. This time we went to Sapori Di Casa in Pulse.
Nu Nederland massaal van het gas afgaat is aardwarmte ‘booming’. Tijdens het vijfde DAP-symposium worden recente geothermische uitdagingen en ontwikkelingen besproken.
After five years of open online education at TU Delft, the extension school celebrates its anniversary. Let’s look back at its MOOCs and innovative teaching.
Every week a Delta editor tests the food on campus. From the Aula to X and everything in between. Hungry yet critical, we critique the meals.
From blue body paint to successful businesses. They all came together in 10 years of Yes!Delft Students. The incubator is celebrating this week.
Research by the career network,, shows that Dutch university students speak an average of three languages. TU Delft students speak even more.