From Monday 6 July it will probably be possible to use the fitness facilities at X TU Delft. X is currently examining how, among other things, fitness equipment should be cleaned. “The reopening date depends on this and can therefore be a day later”, says a spokesperson for X. Anyone who wants to work out must book…
Corona levert universiteiten naast kopzorgen ook lichtpuntjes op. Omdat de campus was uitgestorven, is een aantal onderhouds- en bouwwerkzaamheden vervroegd uitgevoerd.
‘Working at home queen’ Ilse Hoekstein-Philips has already worked at home for 19 years. Here she shares her tips and experiences.
Are student associations with their own hospitality facilities classified as hospitality? The Municipality of Delft is struggling with this question.
Students wanting to know when they may do sports outdoors on campus are still in the dark. X is waiting for an answer from TU Delft’s Executive Board.
Cirfood, the main caterer on the TU Delft campus, has verbally requested TU Delft for rent exemption.
Thousands of international students have left Delft, but some internationals have stayed. Stay Delft plans to bring them into contact with each other and with Dutch students.
The corona crisis is forcing some Delft start-ups to go into survival mode. But for some, it is working out. They have one thing in common: a big struggle.
The third quarter exam period is now finished. We have never had an exam period like this before. Delta asked teachers how they thought the exams went and asked them for tips.