In several cities, young people are protesting this week against the high rent of student rooms. They start in Wageningen and later in the week there will also be protests in Amsterdam, Utrecht, Groningen and Nijmegen. The protest is organised by the Landelijke Studentenvakbond (LSVb) and union FNV Young & United, who find the high…
Het digitale gedeelte van de OWee zit erop. Drie eerstejaars vertellen hoe ze terugkijken op drie dagen digitaal kennismaken met elkaar, de stad en het studentenleven.
What’s been happening behind the scenes of the digital OWee platform? Delta spent half an hour watching what was happening in the headquarters of the OWee Board.
Als je tijdens VerenigingenTV rond hebt gezapt, heb je misschien wel gekeken naar ‘De Wereld Roeit Door’ van roeivereniging Proteus-Eretes. Delta was bij een opname.
Much of OWee 2020 will be digital. Will this make it harder to attract new members? Yes, believe the student sports associations. Still, they seem not to be that concerned.
How can you supervise a mentor group during this unusual OWee? Delta joined a mentor day to find out.
In contrast to last year, TU Delft was not in the red at the end of 2019. Why was this? Five questions about TU Delft’s finances.
Doctoral candidates and postdocs are raising the alarm because their research is being delayed by the corona crisis. These are some of the problems they are facing.
TU Delft postdocs and doctoral candidates are getting into difficulties. The corona measures are causing delays which they say they cannot always make up.