Researchers on temporary contracts who have ‘corona delays’ are entitled to a contract extension of three months. But the qualification criteria are not clear to everyone.
TU Delft staff may vote in the Works Council elections on 3 and 4 November. But who to vote for? The nominees introduce themselves in this series. Part 2: Menno Blaauw.
The cameras in busy campus areas are still heavily debated. Youth parties have now sent a letter to the Executive Board. What is in the letter? This and six other questions.
Business travel agent ATP has overcharged TU Delft and other well known clients for years. In 2017, TU Delft agreed to a settlement with ATP.
The first Social Safety Day at TU Delft was held on 8 October. What is the status of social safety at the university? And what can you do about undesirable behaviour?
Thirteen buildings in Delft, whose residents are mostly students, will be repossessed by the state. The owner has to hand them over because he bought them with illicit money.
Sabine van Holsteijn collects everything to do with student associations. The most striking item in her collection? A string with a fraternity logo.
TU Delft has compiled a campus protocol and taken additional measures to make the campus ‘corona proof’ this academic year. These are the most important points.
Cameras will be hung in eight busy places on campus to check if people are keeping enough distance. The cameras will remain for at least two months.
During the opening of the academic year on Monday 31 August the FNV union, the general education association AOb and action group WoinActie will organise a protest action by bike against temporary contracts in higher education. According to the organisations, temporary contracts force scientific talent to ‘cycle’ from university to university. “It is a waste…