
Annebelle de Bruijn


Two new ombuds officers Since this week the TU Delft has two new ombuds officers. Birgitte Peters is ombuds officer for employees and Carin Wensveen is ombuds officer for students. Universities are obliged to employ an ombuds officer since July last year. “The ombuds officer has an important role to play in ensuring social safety,…

Barrier at P Aula      Since Monday January 10, the parking lot P Aula is only accessible through a barrier. In this way, the TU wants to relieve the parking pressure at the parking lot. Just like at P Bouwkunde, P Rotterdamseweg and P Sports a parking steward will be present at peak times…

‘Teachers’ interests hardly considered in reopening education’ The Dutch union AOb is concerned about the reopening of higher education. According to the union the Dutch cabinet has taken insufficient account of the interests of teachers.The union distributed a survey among teachers last weekend to map out their concerns. “For us, the cabinet’s decision came as…

Students are allowed to go back to campus  Students at TU Delft will be able to attend lectures at the campus two or three days a week in the coming academic year. The university writes this in a news release after the Dutch cabinet announced Friday that higher education and vocational education (mbo) is allowed…

Spar Stieltjesweg opens again Good news for hungry TU students and employees. From Monday 16 August onwards the Spar University at the Stieltjesweg will be open again. Reason for reopening is the resumption of physical education by universities starting this academic year. The supermarket closed its doors for the last time during the second lockdown…