Two new ombuds officers
Since this week the TU Delft has two new ombuds officers. Birgitte Peters is ombuds officer for employees and Carin Wensveen is ombuds officer for students.
Universities are obliged to employ an ombuds officer since July last year. “The ombuds officer has an important role to play in ensuring social safety, especially when it comes to identifying and counteracting broader patterns of undesirable behaviour.”
TU employees can contact Peters when they need impartial advice or mediation in their work situation. For example when they get stuck in discussing discrimination, bullying, sexual harassment or other forms of undesirable behavior. More information about the role of the staff ombuds officer can be found on the intranet. Peters can be reached #.
Students can contact the ombuds officer if they disagree with the handling of complaints through the central complaints office. Wensveen can be reached at # or by phone at 015-2782389.
Peters and Wensveen have taken over from Job van Luyken, who was ombuds officer for both employees and students for two years. In this interview with Delta he reflects on his time with the TU Delft.
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