
More contemplation rooms on campus

More contemplation rooms on campus



TU Delft will open two more contemplation rooms: one in the TU Delft Library (from the end of this summer) and one at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (from early 2024). These places were chosen by the diversity and inclusion (D&I) office together with the campus real estate and facility management department, so that everyone on campus will have a contemplation room nearby.


Contemplation room at X. (Photo: Thirza Bolhuis)


With the new contemplation spaces, TU Delft is responding to increasing demand identified by student council party Lijst Bèta and Muslim student association Ibn Firnas. For example, students reported to them that the current reflection rooms at X and the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering are not easily accessible to everyone.


The increasing demand for reflection spaces is in line with a national trend. As recently as November 2022, the House of Representatives passed a motion on students’ need for inclusive and accessible contemplation spaces.


The D&I office is happy to see more reflection spaces on campus, says D&I coordinator Fatima Ait Bari. “This space is neutral and open. Students and staff can retreat there for a moment of meditation, reflection or prayer. We think this can contribute to their well-being and to an inclusive culture at TU Delft.” (TB)


Thirza Bolhuis / Stagiair

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