
GGD allowed to vaccinate at Fontys after all

GGD allowed to vaccinate at Fontys after all

Fontys University of Applied Sciences is reversing its previous decision not to allow mobile vaccination locations on its campuses. The board thinks the decision was ‘taken too hastily’.
The decision not to allow this on the campus was taken “on the basis of incomplete information”, says college president Joep Houterman to college media outlet Bron. Fontys will not disclose what information was missing.
Bram ten Kate, director of the Fontys International Business School, had earlier put a stop to the plans for a vaccination bus on the campus in Venlo. He called vaccinating “a private matter”.
It is not certain whether a mobile vaccination location will still be set up on one of the Fontys campuses. But if the GGD wants it, it is allowed.  (HOP, JvE)


HOP Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau

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