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On Monday evening Delft residents and students from the Wippolder met for the second time to work on solutions to counteract nuisance caused by students. In small groups they worked on a short educational movie, a talk show a flyer campaign and other ideas. “I found it an enormously constructive evening,” says Marie-José Hijnekamp, one of the organizers of the evening.


The plans come from a test pilot against student nuisance, for which residents of Delft and students first met in March. Hijnekamp: “That’s when, for example, the idea arose to show an information video featuring local residents during the OWee. Since then the students and residents not only came up with that video, but also with a talk show featuring a local resident who talks about how much his or her life is impacted by nuisance.” 


The initiatives that come out of the pilot will take place during and after the summer. “After the summer, for example, I’m going to organize a cleaning campaign in the neighborhood so that residents and students will have more contact with each other. There is also a group working on a flyer or report card that briefly explains where and when you can report nuisance.”


The meeting took place in the teachers’ room of the recently preserved Cornelius Musius School. In addition to students and local residents, there were representatives from TU Delft, the municipality, housing provider Duwo and the district agent of the Wippolder.


News editor Annebelle de Bruijn

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