Letter to the editor

‘Executive and Supervisory Board members, regain our trust’

Students and Staff for Safety asks the Executive and Supervisory Boards for self-reflection and transparent actions to regain the trust of students and staff. This open letter has been signed by 25 of them.

Dear members of the Executive and Supervisory Boards,

It has been a month since the Plan for Change was finalized: a first step towards improving social safety at TU Delft. As this Plan is still very vague, and given everything that has happened over the last months, we currently do not have trust in the Executive and Supervisory Boards. We, Students and Staff for Safety, ask you to reflect on your own role in having created a socially unsafe environment and for transparency regarding the appointment of the new member/members of the Executive Board.

Your initial response to the Inspectorate’s report of going to court made many people lose their trust in you. Trust further dwindled through other incidents, such as the appointment of the supervisory committee (begeleidingscommissie), and its disbandment, the role of the Executive Board in the situation at I&IC, the censorship of Delta, intimidation of Delta employees on multiple occasions, and the process regarding the reappointment of the Rector Magnificus. This loss of trust was also confirmed in our poll.

Public self-reflection still seems to be lacking, as you only offered apologies after being corrected (‘stumbling forward’). Furthermore, regarding socially unsafe behaviour the Plan for Change states: ‘There are also suggestions that this applies to the Executive Board as well’. You mention that managers show unwanted behaviour, but for you yourselves, you leave it to ‘suggestions’.

‘We are uncertain about whether we can trust you to appoint new board members’

Furthermore, the comment of the Rector Magnificus at the staff meeting of 1 March, “Hoe haal je het in je hoofd om intimiderend te zijn?” (“How dare you be intimidating?”), shows no sign of self-reflection. Reflection is clearly needed, as it later turned out that he himself had intimidated the members of I&IC’s management team and employees of Delta.

We address our concerns regarding the appointment of the new member/members of the Executive Board directly to the Supervisory Board. You should have been more critical towards the Executive Board over the years and last few months. There is a reason that Minister Dijkgraaf pointed out in his letter (in Dutch) that you should keep distance. We have not seen any sign of your critical attitude since then, so we are uncertain about whether we can trust you to appoint new board members.

This is even more pressing now as we need to find a new member for the Executive Board in the near future. This process should, in contrast to previous appointments, be transparent. New Board members need to prove to TU Delft students and staff that they share the values and ideas in the Plan for Change if they are to gain their support and trust.

We therefore urge you to take time for self-reflection and to act accordingly. Ask yourselves whether you will be able to regain our trust, and if so, take immediate public and transparent action to do so.

This is the first time the Students and Staff for Safety have signed a letter by name, following previous actions that took place anonymously. On 2 July, they will send this letter to the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board. They call on other staff and students to also add their names before that day to ‘strengthen the message’.

Akshay Patil, Postdoctoral researcher, Architecture and the Built Environment

Alex Nedelcu, BSc student, Aerospace Engineering

Anurag Bishnoi, Assistant professor, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science

Emeline Lin, Phd candidate, Architecture and the Built Environment

Esther Julien, Phd candidate, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science

Fernanda do Nascimento Monteiro, Phd candidate, Aerospace Engineering

Fred Veer, Associate professor, Architecture and the Built Environment

Frerik Siebren Zandhuis, BSc student, Mechanical Engineering

Geertje Slingerland, Assistant professor, Architecture and the Built Environment

Georgia Stavropoulou, Support staff, Architecture and the Built Environment

Haris Shahzad, Phd candidate, Aerospace Engineering

Helena Schmidt, Phd candidate, Aerospace Engineering

Hugo Ledoux, Associate professor, Architecture and the Built Environment

Jan Schiereck, Support staff, I&IC

Jonathan Neeser, MSc student, Aerospace Engineering

Jos Weber, Associate professor, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science

Maaike Elgersma, Phd candidate, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science

Marieke Kootte, Assistant professor, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science

Marissa van der Tol, BSc student, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science

Marleen Keijzer, Lecturer, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science

Nohemí Ramírez Aranda, Postdoctoral researcher, Architecture and the Built Environment

Remke Klapwijk, Assistant professor, Applied Sciences

Sanne Alblas, Support staff, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science

Theresia van Essen, Associate professor, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science

Yoshi Verspaget, BSc student, Mechanical Engineering

  • Want to know more about the report of the Education Inspectorate and everything related to it? Then check out Delta’s dossier on the subject.
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