Farewell Bert van Wee

‘Cities become more liveable when you limit the number of cars’

In the very year dedicated to mobility, Bert van Wee, TPM Professor of Transport Policy, is retiring. A passionate cyclist, he plans to spend his time restoring car engines. How does he look back on his time at TU Delft?

Prof. Bert van Wee: "We need a zero-emission transport system." (Photo: Sam Rentmeester)

Whether it was speed limits, e-scooters, traffic congestion, or public transport, Delta – like many other media outlets – regularly called Professor Bert van Wee (Transport Policy, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management) for expert commentary. He was always available, spoke quickly but clearly, and put things into perspective.

The Dies Natalis this year is all about mobility. Do you regret retiring now of all times?

“Well, my birthday was set long before the Dies theme was chosen. It would have been nice if they’d picked the same theme a couple of years earlier – I could have fully participated.”

You still played a role in the Dies – you had the honour of awarding an honorary doctorate to Professor Susan Handy. How did that come about?

“I had nothing to do with the decision to select Susan Handy and Alexandre Bayen for honorary doctorates. That was done by others. I was simply informed that I would be the honorary promotor, meaning I had to give a speech. I thought it was a great choice – she’s an inspiration to me. Like me, she works on a broad range of topics, including walking, cycling, health, land use, transport interaction, and accessibility. I see myself more of a generalist than a specialist. We’ve collaborated before, and at one point, I secured funding for her to spend some time here. It’s always a pleasure working with her – she’s also incredibly modest.”

‘Many people couldn’t find a job at all’

How did you end up in transport policy?

“I graduated in 1983 with a degree in social geography from Utrecht University. The job market was tough – many people couldn’t find a job at all, except perhaps in IT. It was hard to find work in geography. A fellow student asked if I wanted to help with fieldwork for a traffic consultancy – counting cars, measuring parking pressure, and tracking speed. After a while, they asked me to enter the data into a computer at the office. Then they offered me training, then a job, and eventually I became a project manager. Thus I ended up in transport by chance – it could just as easily have been housing or urban planning. What I like about transport is its multidisciplinary nature, which suits me well.”

Your honorary doctorate recipient, Susan Handy, is critical of car dominance. What’s your take?

“Cars still account for 70% of all the kilometres we travel. Some people think we can do without them, but if you live in a rural area or have a large family, cars are incredibly practical. However, I do think it makes sense to reduce their dominance compared to the past 50 years. We’ve learned that if you give cars free rein, you end up ruining city centres. In the 1990s, the Netherlands prioritised urban quality, even at the expense of cars. Not to punish drivers, but because car dominance clashes with the interests of pedestrians, cyclists, playing children, and green spaces – essentially, everything that makes a city attractive.”

You live in Amersfoort and have commuted to Delft since 2003. How do you travel?

“By train – always have. I drive maybe twice a year, usually when I bring my keyboard for a band rehearsal. But otherwise, it’s always the train.”

How’s that working out for you?

“Overall, quite well. But I have to say, over the past year or so, there have been way more delays and disruptions. Just this morning I had to stand in a packed train – it was bursting at the seams. The train was not big enough by far. The past 16 months have been worse than before. I hope it’s only temporary.”

‘If I had to bet a bottle of wine, I’d say the hyperloop won’t happen’

You’ve studied large infrastructure projects. From that perspective, what do you think of tram line 19 cutting across campus?

“We haven’t researched it, but I’d guess tram line 19 will go down as an extreme example of an international trend: costs turning out far higher than originally estimated. Delays are less common than cost overruns, but they happen too. And often, actual usage falls below forecasts. We’ll have to wait and see.”

Speaking of big projects, what’s your prediction for the hyperloop?

“It’s an interesting concept, no doubt. Several of my students have researched it. But if I had to bet a bottle of wine, I’d say it won’t happen simply because there are way more innovations than what actually makes it to the streets. A hundred years ago, cars appeared alongside trains and bicycles. Then came planes, and later high-speed trains. Things do change, but very few new technologies reach mass adoption. Most experts don’t believe in the hyperloop – some doubt vacuum technology, others think its capacity is too low, or that its inherently international nature makes it too complex. Just look at the Betuwe railway read-more-closed . That said, I’d love to see a hyperloop network, because only when there is a real alternative to continental flights do we stand a chance of tackling aviation emissions. Tax-free kerosene and the absence of sales tax on international tickets is making flying far too cheap, even though it’s the most environmentally harmful way to spend your money.”

‘A 15 minute city reduces demand for mobility’

Four future mobility scenarios were presented at the Dies Natalis. Which one appeals to you the most?

“We’re facing challenges that we won’t overcome without strong policies. Climate change is a key example for which I would like to see coordinated action at the European level. We need a zero-emission transport system, meaning all new cars and trucks must be electric well before 2050. Aviation will require synthetic fuels, and shipping will need biofuels. But beyond technological fixes, society would benefit from better urban planning that makes most destinations within walking, cycling, or public transport reach. The so-called ‘15-minute city’ concept reduces the need for travel. I believe cities become more liveable when you limit the number of cars. So ultimately, I think a mix of technology and urban planning is the way forward.”

You’re officially retiring from TU Delft this Friday. Does that mean you’re leaving for good?

“I turned 67 on 16 January, so my TU Delft contract has ended. I’ll give my farewell lecture on the 31st, but I won’t disappear completely. I’ll continue working one day a week to supervise my six remaining PhD candidates. I’ll still co-publish with them, review journal articles, and stay up to date with the literature. I might still give the occasional interview or lecture.”

‘I still have 20 engine blocks, front axles, and gearboxes lying around’

And beyond that?

“I’ve always had more plans than time – that’s been the story of my life. My wife and I love cycling, and we already do quite a bit, but maybe now we’ll go further – perhaps a four-day trip to Germany or something. We also have a granddaughter we look after one day a week, and another grandchild due in late April. And I enjoy working on old cars – I’ve been doing it since I started driving in 1977. What began as a necessity became a hobby. Right now, I’m restoring a Volkswagen Beetle with my youngest son. Back in the ‘80s and ‘90s, my cousin and I dismantled dozens of Beetles for parts. Now we need to take stock and clear some out – I still have about 20 engine blocks, front axles, and gearboxes lying around. Some of that can go. Maybe I’ll also spend more time listening to and playing music. I play keyboards in the TPM band, not that seriously, but it’s a lot of fun.”

Professor Bert van Wee (1958) studied Social Geography at Utrecht University. After graduating in 1983, he worked at the AGV transport consultancy. In 1990, he joined the RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment). Seven years later, he obtained his PhD at the Faculty of Economics and Econometrics at the University of Amsterdam. From 1999 onwards, Van Wee was a part-time professor at Utrecht University. In 2003, he became a Professor of Transport Policy at TU Delft, and from 2013 to 2022, he served as the Scientific Director of the TRAIL research school. Van Wee has authored more than 280 scientific articles and edited six books. In 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, he was awarded the prestigious Leermeester Prize by the Delft University Fund. Over the years, he has supervised around 400 master’s students and 41 PhD candidates, including 34 at TU Delft. Another six PhD candidates are under way.

Science editor Jos Wassink

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