
CDJA: EUR 18,000 for students

CDJA: EUR 18,000 for students



The youth branch of the CDA political party, the CDJA, does not want a return to the former study grant system, but a system of the right to study. Everyone would then receive EUR 18,000 to study or for further training.


‘A failed PvdA, GroenLinks, D66 and VVD experiment’ is what the Christian Democratic youth (CDJA) calls the current social loan system. The CDJA wants to get rid of it as soon as possible and received support at the CDA party congress.


The CDJA now presents its alternative to the former study grant: a right to study system for students and working people. The starting point is that everyone, regardless of their level of education, will receive the same amount of money to pay for all their education and courses. The annual amount is EUR 3,600, the equivalent of the old basic grant for people living away from home. That amount is granted five times: enough to obtain a university master’s degree. So EUR 18,000 in total.


Students do not receive all the money in one go. They first pay their tuition fees to make sure the money is mainly spent on education. They continue to depend on their parents, part-time jobs, supplementary grants and loans for their everyday needs. (HOP, Hein Cuppen)


HOP Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau

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