A petition to make mandatory courses at TU Delft optional due to the coronavirus outbreak has been signed over 1050 times. The petition, initiated by the anonymous account TUDelft Student aims to give students the option to work from home. A precaution that TU Delft, as of last week, only advises students and employees with respiratory…

A petition to make mandatory courses at TU Delft optional due to the coronavirus outbreak has been signed over 1050 times. The petition, initiated by the anonymous account TUDelft Student aims to give students the option to work from home. A precaution that TU Delft, as of last week, only advises students and employees with respiratory…

(Photo: TU Delft) The dream of transparant solar cells and power-generating windows has come a bit closer. Such dye-sentised solar cells contain a layer of titanium dioxide or ‘titania’. Current production of this material requires high temperatures and advanced vacuum technology. Not anymore. Members of Dr Duncan McMilland’s bio catalysis group (Applied Sciences) have found…

(Photo: TU Delft) The dream of transparant solar cells and power-generating windows has come a bit closer. Such dye-sentised solar cells contain a layer of titanium dioxide or ‘titania’. Current production of this material requires high temperatures and advanced vacuum technology. Not anymore. Members of Dr Duncan McMilland’s bio catalysis group (Applied Sciences) have found…

In its annual list of the 10 most promising technological advances that could lead to breakthroughs that will truly change how we live and work, the journal MIT Technological Review puts QUTech’s quantum internet at number one. “An internet based on quantum physics will soon enable inherently secure communication”, the journal writes about this TU…

In its annual list of the 10 most promising technological advances that could lead to breakthroughs that will truly change how we live and work, the journal MIT Technological Review puts QUTech’s quantum internet at number one. “An internet based on quantum physics will soon enable inherently secure communication”, the journal writes about this TU…

Vigorous mixing of a solution containing micro particles of graphite may produce graphene, a material with remarkable electrical, mechanical, optical and thermal properties. Researchers from TU Delft and Queen Mary University of London have now published an article based on a simulation of the process. They calculated the molecular dynamics which determine whether layers of…

Vigorous mixing of a solution containing micro particles of graphite may produce graphene, a material with remarkable electrical, mechanical, optical and thermal properties. Researchers from TU Delft and Queen Mary University of London have now published an article based on a simulation of the process. They calculated the molecular dynamics which determine whether layers of…

Jaarlijks gaan honderden extra ict-studenten van hogescholen en universiteiten kennismaken met het werkterrein van de Rijksoverheid. In een grootscheepse samenwerking met ict-opleidingen in het hele hoger onderwijs, het zogeheten I-Partnerschap, wil het Rijk studenten laten zien wat voor vraagstukken de overheid heeft. Omgekeerd willen de ict-opleidingen hun studenten laten werken aan allerlei nieuwe en complexe…

Op vrijdag 3 april gaan scholieren weer staken voor het klimaat. Wetenschappers moeten hen ronduit steunen, stelt de Nederlandse tak van de actiegroep Scientists for Future. De leden vragen hun collega’s om die vrijdag net als de scholieren naar Utrecht te komen. Wetenschappers hebben de plicht om zichzelf te informeren en in beweging te komen, vindt…