Public transport advises to stay away
Will there be place in public transport as the lockdown is gradually being opened up? Due to the corona crisis, the use of public transport has dropped by 90%. However, due to the introduction of the 1.5 metre measures, capacity has also been slashed by 75%. Thus far, that was enough. But when more people return to public transport, the maximum capacity will soon be reached. And then what? Leave passengers on the platform? Check the urgency of the journey? Have reservations made in advance?
In the Traffic and Transport Magazine (MM magazine), Niels van Oort and Dr. Oded Cats from the Smart Public Transport Lab explore the future of public transport by systematically going through the bottlenecks. They expect that public transport will not be able to avoid reducing demand, even though the operators will be shooting themselves in the foot in the process. Already now, the sector is leading a monthly loss of 200 million euros. Working from home, travelling by car (safe cocoon), and spreading out in time must absolutely prevent hyperspikes such as we were used to from time to time. In addition to the return to the car, Van Oort and Cats see opportunities for the integrated form of transport Mobility as a Service (MaaS) (JW).

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