For the fourth consecutive year, a Spinoza Prize, the ‘Dutch Nobel Prize’, goes to someone at TU Delft. NWO calls QuTech Research Director Lieven Vandersypen ‘visionary’.
Scientists find a sharp uptick in the language of depression. “We might be talking each other into the doldrums,” says TU Delft mathematician Marijn ten Thij.
Cancer researchers and TU Delft computer scientists are working on techniques that should help enable ‘personalised medicine’. This month they released positive news.
Yeast that grows without oxygen? TU Delft biotechnologists dusted off a type of yeast that had been briefly described 50 years ago and that can perform this remarkable feat.
For the elderly, people with regional accents and non-native speakers, speech recognition systems are a pain. They don’t catch your meaning and are biased, TU research shows.
An architecture student bought a disused church to live in with friends. Then fate struck. Now, four years later, he is creating four starters’ homes from ruins.
This year, student team Project MARCH built a walking robot that can handle slopes, curbs and stairs. A summer shower put paid to the outdoor walk on Sunday.
Space debris increasingly hampers space flight. Why not just vaporise the rubbish with a laser gun, proposed a TU Delft student at an ESA congress about space junk.
The climate report that the IPCC presented last week dominated the news for days. Delta asked energy professor Blok and flood expert Kok what stood out in the report for them