Prof. Lieven Vandersypen, Quantum Professor and Scientific Director of QuTech, became a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) last May and he and his colleagues received EUR 35 million of research funding from NWO. Time for a talk about the limits of our knowledge and the prospects for the quantum computer.

Professor of Mathematics Jan van Neerven is one of three TU Delft academics who have joined the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). As he states, he teaches the only course at TU Delft whose learning objective is that students know less afterwards than they did before. What motivates Van Neerven, and how does he feel about improving social safety six weeks after his critical letter in Delta?

The first generation of wind turbines is dropping their blades. The durable polyester is a harbinger of the deluge of discarded material that awaits us. Is there anything we can do with it? There are numerous original uses.