
The bike of Angela Greco

Name: Angela Greco (Italy, Building Engineering)
Price: It was her husband’s
Brand: A gray mountain bike, Nishikie
Striking feature: It’s a symbol of hope

For Civil Engineering student Angela Greco, talking about her bike is a bittersweet experience.

Her current bike actually belongs to her husband. She only started using it a couple of months ago after her own bike (the love of her life) was stolen.

“My old bike was really perfect. It was a Gazelle – blue, with a little coloured bell and my name written on the back,” she recalls. Greco bought her bike in Rotterdam a year ago and never needed to take it for any kind of servicing. “I left my bicycle everywhere – in the snow, the rain, the sun – and nothing ever happened to it.” Until it was stolen, that is.

Her new set of wheels is a mountain bike with “strange gears”. Her husband is currently living in Belgium while completing an internship and she’s using his bike while he’s away. “He is trying to convince me that this bike is wonderful and is the best one for the snow, with really big wheels…But it’s so big that I cannot park it in normal bike places,” she says.

Even as she gets used to the mountain bike, she can’t help keeping her fingers crossed for a chance encounter with her old one. “Like a woman who has lost her love, I observe every bike I see and I feel really bad each time I see a bike which looks like mine, but is not.”

As irony would have it, her new bike is also a symbol of hope for her. It was stolen from her husband once, and he found it a month later thanks to a quirk of fate. Perhaps Greco’s new bike leads her to the old one.

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