Mirte Brouwer zit op een bankje

Mirte Brouwer


Mirte Brouwer is masterstudent bij Industrieel Ontwerpen aan de TU Delft en masterstudent Nederlandse letterkunde aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.


There are lots of jokes about clay sculpting at IDE, but columnist Mirte Brouwer explains why the assignment, perhaps surprisingly, can be very useful.


The action taken by Mirte Brouwers’ student association to not drink alcohol for a month is a great success. She thinks that informing and supporting instead of imposing may also be a good approach for TU Delft.


Every year new students start at university who do not enjoy reading and who are not good at it . At secondary school they learned tricks to pass the exam, without developing a real understanding. Columnist Mirte Brouwer sees it as a missed opportunity that TU Delft pays so little attention to reading.


Many student associations have a communal meal. At student columnist Mirte Brouwer’s association, members cook for each other. She too does this regularly. She is surprised every time by how much 100 people can eat in one evening.


Signing up for a course just before it starts should be possible, shouldn’t it? Not at the faculty where columnist Mirte Brouwer studies. She argues for greater flexibility.


Student Mirte Brouwer has a love-hate relationship with her laptop. Naturally while studying you cannot do without, but could we perhaps use it a little less? She argues for less screen time and more time in the real world.


Our new student columnist Mirte Brouwer asks why Delta looked for a columnist made of flesh-and-blood if AI could also do the job.


Student Mirte Brouwer is calling on TU Delft to support dual degree students. According to her, engineers who have undergone a broad education are highly valuable, but support from TU Delft for these students is very limited. The fact that top athletes, for example, do receive extra support proves that giving extra support would be possible.