Columnist Bas Rooijakkers zit op een bankje.

Bas Rooijakkers


Bas Rooijakkers is a master’s student in Applied Physics. He was born in Brabant and spent part of his youth on Curaçao. He enjoys jogging and since the corona pandemic has also picked up cycling. He is also always in for a coffee or a craft beer.


Student columnist Bas Rooijakkers bids TU Delft and his readers farewell. In his last column, he lists what has changed at TU Delft (student activism) and what has stayed the same (the Executive Board).


Bas Rooijakkers almost has his master’s degree. But now that his working life is within sight, he is drowning in a sea of options. Will he ever find his calling?


Ethics is more than just a module on your timetable, says Applied Physics student Bas Rooijakkers. It is a learning process that lasts a lifetime and starts with the choices that we make today.


Campaign films, TV debates between political parties, columnist Bas Rooijakkers got really fed up with it all over the last few weeks. He has an idea about how to improve it.


Reducing ‘board months’ is an odd sanction for incidents at associations, says Bas Rooijakkers. In order to achieve cultural change, it is better to punish the perpetrators.


There should never be a strict bachelor-before-master demand again, says columnist Bas Rooijakkers. This would only bring more problems to the ‘bad luck generation’.


Should TU Delft scrap the cum laude ruling as the Free University of Amsterdam will do next year? Bas Rooijakkers does not believe it will reduce achievement-related stress.