Spirit Day at TU Delft Since 2010, the Netherlands has celebrated Purple Friday every second Friday in December. On this day, people can show their solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community by wearing something purple. Delta’s social media logos are therefore given a purple colour for one day. Purple Friday was inspired by…
First Delft Student Neighbours’ Day On the very first Delft Student Neighbours’ Day, Delft students brought packages of biscuits and soup to their neighbours. The initiative stems from the ‘Hart voor m’n Stad’ campaign, in which students organise activities for all Delft citizens. The original idea was that students and neighbours would get…
Wat ooit begon met flauwe limericks groeide sinds 1999 uit tot een heuse sinterklaastraditie. TU-alumnus Michael Janus is de persoon achter Mick’s Rijmwoordenboek.
Students plant flower bulbs on campus Volunteers from ‘Natuurlijk Delfland’ and students from ‘Buitensport Vereniging Slopend’ have together planted two thousand flower bulbs on the TU Delft campus. (Photo: Dominic Dijkshoorn) On Sunday 21 November, volunteers planted thousands of bulbs in the Nature Playground Hammenpoort on the Rotterdamseweg to support…
Military practice at the Reactor Institute For six weeks, the Reactor Institute Delft (RID) will be the setting for drills by the Ministry of Defence and the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee (Kmar). The location is part of a combined external safety exercise with TNO Defence, in which employees of the Ministry of Defence and…
For Nitesh Bharosa, Diversity Officer at TPM, the problems faced by Caribbean students have always been a blind spot. “We now need to ask ourselves what we can do about it.”
After several attempts, the students at Delft Aerospace Rocket Engineering (DARE) did not manage to launch the Stratos IV. Technical problems kept the rocket grounded.
Accommodation, financial worries, lack of support … It is sometimes hard for Dutch Caribbean students in the Netherlands. “You start off at a disadvantage.”
Ever more universities have gender neutral toilets. But not TU Delft. The Student Council intends to change this.