IO-student Igo Boerrigter deed onderzoek naar de toekomst van contant geld nu betalingen steeds vaker elektronisch verlopen.
Diabetes patients need to have their eyes checked regularly to monitor the progression of retinal degeneration. Dr Kedir Adal developed a computer-aided diagnosis tool.
Brexit is turning into an ever bigger farce. Still, British humour is never far away. Delta asked researchers to pick their favourite from the Brexit cartoon book.
“This is not your standard innovation lecture”, says Barry Fitzgerald. There’ll be quizzes, film trailers and more in the BingeWatch Academy starting Thursday night 14 March.
You received a voting slip to vote for the water board for the wider Delft region. What now? Delta debunks five assumptions of the elections and gives five reasons to vote.
Doctoral candidates are being squeezed in the battle between open access publications and research funders and publishers. The PNN platform pleas for clemency.
Honderden teams hadden zich aangemeld voor de SpaceX Hyperloop competitie in Los Angeles, Californië. Slechts 22 hebben een uitnodiging gekregen, waaronder het Delftse team.
Vijf Delftse onderzoekers ontvangen 1,5 miljoen euro van NWO om de komende 5 jaar een eigen onderzoekslijn te ontwikkelen. In totaal ontvingen 32 onderzoekers zo’n Vici-beurs.
Leo Kouwenhoven and King Willem Alexander performed the opening act of the Microsoft Quantum Lab Delft, where industry and academia join forces to exploit quantum physics.