Bacterial infections are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics. Bateriophages could offer an alternative. TU Delft Phage Library makes an inventory.
After 10 years of preparation, everything came together when tagged instruments were used in a real operation for the first time last February.
Stephanie Wehner, ontwerper van quantumnetwerken bij QuTech, ontvangt op 10 april een van de acht Ammodo Science Awards. “Een fijne bijdrage voor riskant onderzoek”, zegt ze.
A highly ambitious proposal to weigh the mass of a single protein molecule has won Dr Chirlmin Joo and his Korean colleague an HFSP research grant. What is their plan?
Een parlementaire enquête over de aardbevingen in Groningen laat nog even op zich wachten. Vooruitlopend daarop vraagt Delta zich af: wat was de rol van de TU Delft?
Delven, gebruiken en weggooien. We hebben nooit anders gedaan. Maar volgens Erik Offerman (3mE) moet het roer om. Hij schreef er een boek over voor (toekomstige) ingenieurs.
A green foreshore reduces the impact of waves on a dike, found PhD student Vincent Vuik. What’s more, foreshores such as salt marshes grow with rising sea level.
By listening to the output, one can count the quanta coming in. TU Delft researchers presented the world’s most sensitive MHz radio in Science.
The IEA’s Executive Director Dr Fatih Birol visited TU Delft. The IEA deals in facts, and the ones that Birol presented in his speech were sobering at best.