Not all cancer cells are equal. Tumour recurrence often depends on a few active cells. Researchers Miao-Ping Chien and Daan Brinks can recognise and target those cells.
Nadat vorig jaar de publicatie over de waarneming van majoranadeeltjes werd ingetrokken volgde afgelopen week de intrekking van een eerder artikel, eveneens in Nature. In het artikel uit 2017 beschrijven Leo Kouwenhoven (QuTech, Microsoft) en prof.dr. Erik Bakkers (TU/e) een door hen ontwikkeld netwerk van nanodraadjes waarin ze majoranadeeltjes wilden opwekken als…
The Russian invasion in Ukraine has ended the age of cheap and plentiful fossil energy. Will Europe rush forward to renewable energy, or reopen coal plants?
Expo: international students design polders An exhibition of designs by international master’s students on the future of the polders in Midden-Delfland opens Friday 22 April in the Town Hall of Delft. The exhibition will run until 23 May 2022. International students sketched the polder landscapes of Midden-Delfland. (Foto: Ben Kuipers) Professor of…
Carola Hein Professor in Delft, Rotterdam and Leiden “I see opportunities to bring different worlds together”, said Professor Carola Hein. (Photo: Frank Auperlé) Since January, Carola Hein, Professor of Architecture and Urban Planning History at Delft University of Technology, has also been affiliated with the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Developmental Sociology…
The James Webb Space Telescope can map thousands of asteroids in five years without sacrificing costly observation time, Lenka Husárová has calculated. A useful by-catch.
Nine more Veni grants for TU Delft researchers They had to wait a long time, but now the time has come: another 78 promising young researchers will receive a Veni grant of up to EUR 280,000 from now (The Dutch Research Council). Nine of them are connected to TU Delft. The first seven…
Architecture offers room for wild wallflowers The new quay walls of the Nieuwe Mark in Breda have blossomed. (Photo: Koen Mulder) Traditional brick quay walls – as in the inner city of Delft – are enormously thick, porous brick walls that are in direct contact with the ground and the groundwater. As…
Aan tafel voor het Flying Vision-initiatief zaten van links naar rechts Pieter Elbers (KLM), Guillaume Faury (Airbus), Henri Werij (TU Delft), Michel Peters (NLR) en Dick Benschop (Schiphol). (Foto: TU Delft) Namens de TU Delft tekende L&R-decaan Henri Werij afgelopen maandag een samenwerkingsovereenkomst voor een transitie naar een duurzame luchtvaart in 2050. Hij…