Nine more Veni grants for TU Delft researchers
They had to wait a long time, but now the time has come: another 78 promising young researchers will receive a Veni grant of up to EUR 280,000 from now (The Dutch Research Council). Nine of them are connected to TU Delft. The first seven winners from TU Delft were announced in December. In total, TU Delft researchers received 16 Venis. Only Utrecht University scored better with 23 awards.
The awarding of Veni grants was seriously disrupted last year by corona and by a major hack at NWO. As a result, in December grants could only be awarded in the exact & natural sciences (ENW) domains, and in health research & care innovation (ZonMw) – 89 in total.
For all four science domains (ENW, ZonMw with Social Sciences & Health (SSH) and Applied Engineering Sciences (AES)) a total of 1,280 applications were submitted in 2021, of which 759 were submitted as a ‘full application’, partly after pre-selection by NWO. NWO accepted 167 of these. This is 13% of the total and 22% of the full proposals.
We have listed the new TU Delft winners and their topics here.
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