In mid-October, the research reactor will be shut down for six months to install the cold source. “We can soon do something unique in the Netherlands,” says Director Koppers.
Artificial intelligence is this year’s theme at TU Delft. Delta highlights six AI studies. Part 5: Karin Bogdanova is critical on AI systems that monitor your mental health.
Artificial intelligence is this year’s theme at TU Delft. Delta highlights six AI studies. Part 4: how AI is backed up by millions of ghost workers.
Kinetic artist exhibits at Icke’s home Inventor, TU Delft lecturer and artist Dr Volkert van der Wijk will exhibit eight moving sculptures as part of the Kunstroute Leiden next week 23 and 24 September. His work is housed in the Alien Artgallery, also the home of artist Charlotte Icke and emiritus professor…
Uitvinder, TU-docent en kunstenaar Volkert van der Wijk exposeert volgend week 23 en 24 september acht bewegende sculpturen als onderdeel van de Kunstroute Leiden. Zijn werk is ondergebracht in de Alien Artgallery, tevens het woonhuis van kunstenares Charlotte Icke en emiritus hoogleraar astronomie Vincent Icke, aan de Vlietweg 16 in…
Scouts appointed for TU in Rotterdam The establishment of a programme team marks the start of a new phase for a new TU Delft knowledge ecosystem in Rotterdam, reports the Executive Board in a message to employees. Caspar Chorus (Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering) and Han Derkx (former ICT director)…
Outgoing Education Minister Dijkgraaf had himself updated on experiences with open science at the TU Delft Library on 7 September. The choice of Delft was no coincidence.
Library’s own climate problem Plastic foil shield the monitors from dripping water. (Photo: Jos Wassink) Last week’s heat led to the closure of the Glass Room and the Blue Room of the TU Delft Library on Sunday. Building management explains: ‘Due to the heat of the past few days, condensation has formed…
The last time Wim Uijttewaal stood on the blocked A12 as a citizen he got splashed by a water cannon. He does not want this to happen again on Saturday. Because of his toga.